Information For Authors

About the journal

The working language of the journal is English but papers and other contributions can also be published in other languages. In an effort to promote linguistic equity, Apples refrains from requiring any particular linguistic variety. What we ask from our authors, however, is to aim for consistency and clarity in their writing, which can oftentimes be established by soliciting pre-submission peer feedback.

We only accept articles submitted through our electronic platform. Please follow the instructions below when preparing your manuscript. Apples- Journal of Applied Language Studies is a fully open access peer reviewed journal. We do not charge submission fees, page fees, color fees or other fees. 

You can find Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies in the following Abstracting & Indexing databases and full text sources:

Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies is archived in the Jyväskylä University Digital Archive JYX  

Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies has received the label for peer-reviewed scholarly publications , issued by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies adheres to the requirements imposed on the use of the label. Peer reviewed articles that have been published in vol 9 no 2 and after will be marked with the label; however, this does not reflect a change in the peer review policy before vol 9(2).  


Types of submissions

The following types of articles will be considered for publication.

  • Research articles (main body of text max 8000 words, excluding references, tables, figures and appendices), which make an original contribution (theoretical and/or empirical) to the field of applied language studies;
  • Review articles (main body of text max 8000 words, excluding references, tables, figures and appendices), which critically reflect a particular research theme or comprehensively discuss the state-of-the-art in a research field of applied language studies.

By submitting an original article to Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, the author warrants that the article is not simultaneously under review elsewhere and that s/he commits not to send the manuscript for consideration elsewhere while the article is being processed by Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies. During the submission procedure, you will be asked to agree to our terms of Publication Agreement.

The editors will make the decision whether the article will be sent for peer review. All articles will be peer reviewed (double blind peer review) by at least two external reviewers. In order to facilitate a speedy process, we generally allow the authors three months (minor revisions) or six months (major revisions) for resubmission. The final decision about publication will be made by the editors. For more information about the review process, please see "For reviewers". 

In addition, we also encourage shorter submissions, such as

  • Discussion notes (max 2000 words, excluding references): short contributions on a particular topic; report on ongoing or emerging research; PhD / Viva lectio etc.
  • Book reviews and reviews of teaching material, language tests, policy initiatives, etc (max 2000 words).
  • These will not be peer reviewed.

The working language of the journal is English. 

All articles should be accompanied by a 250 word abstract in the language of the submission. If you submit in a language other than English, please submit an English abstract as well. For articles written in any other language than English, an additional English language summary of max 2000 words is expected after the article has been accepted in the review process. Articles in languages other than English will be taken into consideration provided we have qualified reviewers. 

Please note that we require manuscripts to be submitted in Word format, in one single file. Do not include your name or any other contact information in the actual manuscript; that information should only be submitted in the electronic submission procedure. Also check the Word file properties for possible personal information, including recognizable references to your own work. For isntructions on how to remove your personal information from Word, check 


Maximum size for article file is 5 MB. Any files larger than that will be rejected.


If applicable, before submissions check that you have written permission

  • to reprint copyrighted materials (texts, tests, tables or illustrations), in whole or in part.
  • from individuals within photographs, video clips or other material in which they are visually identifiable.

If your article is accepted, you are expected to submit this/these written permission/s to Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies

Submission instructions

  • The name of the article should be written in 14 (Times New Roman).
  • Do not add your name or any other contact information (name, e-mail, organization) in the submitted version of your manuscript
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font size: In body text and headings 12, examples 10, footers 8
  • Line spacing: In body text 1.5, in the abstract and examples 1; enter one empty line before and after subheadings
  • Page setups: Left and right margins are 3 cm, upper margin is 3.5 cm and lower margin 3 cm
  • Paragraphs: Distinguish by an empty line (no indentation)
  • Page numbering: top right
  • Headings: Number subheadings (e.g. 1 Introduction; 2.1 Basic terms; 5.2.1 The students’ thoughts about x); avoid 4th level headings

Pictures and tables

Embed all pictures and tables within the submitted file.

  • Write the title of a table (e.g. TABLE 1. Title) above the table, and the title of a diagram or figure (e.g. FIGURE 1. Title) under the diagram.
  • Tables and diagrams should be understandable without reading the actual paper.

Format of submission

We require submissions in Word or RTF format (maximum size 5 MB), where pictures, tables etc. are placed within the text. In case your article is accepted, we will ask for a submission both in Word format , with artwork and tables attached as separate files.


  • Long quotations and examples should be indented by 1 cm from the left margin and separated from the text with empty lines before and after (no quotation marks)

Examples etc. in italics

  • If there are terms in other languages than English (e.g. in parentheses) they should be written in italics.
  • Names of works, magazines etc. (not person names, unless they are the object of analysis) can be written in italics; in this case quotation marks are not necessary.
  • Elements of language (example sentences inside the text, words, suffix, phonemes etc.) should be written in italics.
  • We encourage the use of data examples in original language, but require a translation of examples into the language of the article.

Use of citations

  • Three or more authors should be marked with et al. (Farmer et al., 2004). For a source that has 3-5 authors, identify all authors when you cite the work for the first time, and use et al. in subsequent citations.
  • The year of publication and page number(s) should be separated by a comma (Schmidt, 1999, p. 24)
  • If there are references by more than one author on one matter, different sources should be separated with a semicolon and placed alphabetically (Gröndahl, 2004, p. 14; Schmidt, 1999, p. 24). If there are several references from one author, they can be separated with a comma and placed chronologically (Simonson, 1978, 1999, 2001)
  • It is general practise to attempt to identify the primary sources, but if that is impossible or for some reason inappropriate, the sources can be marked as follows (Note: Only the secondary source should be included in references!): Greenbaum (1977) has used... (as cited in Carter, 2001, p. 45)
  • Between the page numbers use an en dash: (Bachman & Palmer, 1997, p. 67–68)
  • The preferable way of referring is to include the references in the text, e.g.: For that purpose Petterson (1982) has developed a pattern, which has been strongly criticized by Permer (1987, p. 50)
  • Footnotes should be avoided; please use endnotes instead.


  • Times New Roman, font size 12, no right alignment, no empty lines between references
  • Title the list: References
  • The following should be on the list (see below for examples of correct marking):
    • last name of the author and initial of first name
    • year of printing
    • full name of the article or work; for articles, include name of magazine, volume, issue and page numbers or the editor(s) of the anthology and the name and page numbers of the article
    • place of publishing (publisher's locality, as mentioned in the work; if there are multiple locations only the first needs to be represented)
    • name of publisher
  • References should be listed in alphabetical order according to last name. Articles and works by the same author during the same year should also be listed in alphabetical order and separated from each other by adding a lowercase letter to the year of publishing (e.g. 1995a, 1995b).
  • The title of the book should be written in italics. If the reference is an article, the name of the periodical should be written in italics.
  • If there are three or more authors or editors, the first are divided by comma and the last two with an & sign.


Maybin, J. (2006). Children’s voices. Talk, knowledge and identity.  Palgrave Macmillan.

Periodical article
Omoniyi, T. (2003). Local policies and global forces: Multiliteracy through Africa’s indigeneous languages. Language Policy, 2(2), 133–152.

Book article
van Leeuwen, T. (2005). Three models of interdisciplinarity. In R. Wodak & P. Chilton (Eds.), A new agenda in (critical) discourse analysis (pp. 3–18). John Benjamins. 

Edited collection
Nóvoa, A., & Lawn, M. (Eds.). (2002). Fabricating Europe: The Formation of an education space. Kluwer.

Dissertation or thesis
Devins, G. M. (1981). Helplessness, depression, and mood in end-stage renal disease. (Doctoral dissertation, McGill University)

Organisation as author
British Council. (1978). Pre-sessional courses for overseas students. British Council Teaching Information Centre. London: British Council.

WWW document
Li, X., & Crane, N. (1999, May). Bibliographic formats for citing electronic information.


Please, refer to the APA Style 7th (or later) edition for guidelines of formatting the types of references not listed in the present instructions. For more detailed examples, see